Your Guide to the P-Shot: Personal Stories and FAQ

P Shot Reddit

In a Reddit post, mindmaniac asks the community: I would really like some unbiased, real experience about the P Shot. I'm very interested in the short-term enlargement results. That said, shooting a big needle in my penis sounds intimidating. 

Rest assured, the needle used in the P Shot is not as large as mindmaniac might fear. In this article, we'll address some common myths surrounding the P Shot, a platelet-rich plasma therapy that has gained popularity for its potential benefits in sexual health and treatment for erectile dysfunction. With a 95% worth-it rating on RealSelf, we'll explore the P Shot and provide insights from real-life experiences.

Myth 1: The P Shot is an experimental treatment without FDA approval.

The P Shot may sound cutting-edge, but it's not as untested as one might think. Its roots can be traced back to the 1970s, when PRP therapy found its footing in the world of sports medicine, catering to elite athletes like Maria Sharapova and Hines Ward. Dr. Charles Runels, a visionary in regenerative medicine, later adapted PRP for sexual health and coined the term P-Shot. As a blood product, not a drug, the P Shot does not require FDA approval; however, it is approved by Health Canada.

Realself user habtamuimirum describes his positive experience with the P Shot: I have been suffering for years from Erectile Dysfunction. Despite trying several treatments, I could not get erections during sexual intercourse. After extensive research, I learned about the P shot. After a thorough evaluation, I had the P shot injection followed by shock wave therapy. After my second treatment, I was able to have sexual intercourse and was able to have an erection three separate times in the same evening. My results are stunning.

Myth 2: The P Shot is painful.

When it comes to the P Shot, the idea of a needle near sensitive regions is enough to make anyone wince. Although some discomfort is involved, the procedure is designed to be tolerable for patients. Before the treatment, a potent numbing cream is applied to the area, significantly reducing potential pain or discomfort. This thoughtful measure helps patients stay relaxed and comfortable throughout the procedure. 

Let's hear from someone who bravely faced the discomfort and lived to tell the tale. Reddit user, Federal-Tie8417 recounts the experience: It's definitely a 10/10 on the uncomfortable scale, but in terms of actual pain, 1.5/10 tops.

Myth 3: The P Shot makes your penis bigger.

Size matters, they say, but does the p-shot truly make a man bigger? Although the p-shot isn't designed for penis enlargement, some patients have noticed size increases. However, be cautious of healthcare providers who mainly advertise the p-shot as a way to enhance growth. Not all follow a proven protocol, and some focus more on cosmetic results rather than regenerative benefits.

Reddit user, Formal_Departure_309, debunks size gain promises: I have had good results since my p shot. NO SIZE gains, I'll add, like some places promise, but my doctor did not promise me any gains. But EQ and performance are amazing.

Book your P Shot Consult in Vancouver

In the realm of sexual wellness, the P Shot has gained a satisfied community of users. With Health Canada's approval and a history in sports medicine and surgery recovery, this revolutionary therapy has undeniably demonstrated its transformative potential.

If you or someone you know is struggling with erectile dysfunction, consider exploring the benefits of the P Shot at the Godley Clinic. Our expert team in Vancouver and Abbotsford can help you restore sexual wellness and confidence. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about this drug-free and non-surgical treatment option.


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